Working Children

اسوه ,موسسه فرهنگی قرآن و عترت اسوه تهران

Working children are children who bear the burden of working since childhood. At a time when they need to be taken care of and subjected to all kinds of financial, emotional, educational, etc. support, they become the Helper the house and take care of others so that the wheel of life turns, the house rent does not fall behind, and the family members do not go to bed hungry every night.
Child labor existed in different degrees throughout history, but with the beginning of universal literacy and the changes that occurred in working conditions during industrialization and the emergence of the concepts of worker's rights and children's rights, it was criticized and discussed publicly. Child labor is still prevalent in places where the school leaving age is low.
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), 250 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 in the world are deprived of childhood every year. According to these statistics, 120 million of them have entered the labor market and are working full-time. 61% of these children live in Asia, 32% in Africa and 7% in Latin America. Human trafficking is one of the main ways of bringing these children into the market. Apart from slave labor, prostitution and selling children's body parts, other fates of children are trafficking.
The issue of working children is a relatively complex issue and various factors have an effect on it, such as: family structure, poverty, sudden economic changes caused by war, etc., which lead to migration to neighboring countries to work with higher wages. ) and the cost of education and incorrect education system .
Working children live in very unfavorable conditions in terms of nutrition, health and doing dangerous and acute work. These children can easily be played by professional criminals, such as robbers or drug distribution gangs, agents of corrupt houses, etc. Also, the lack of benefit from science and technology education deprives these children more and more of the power to compete with other children in creating a healthy life.
It should be said that making children is the right of all working children who, instead of playing, having fun and learning, instead of growing and studying and improving their body and soul, are trapped in underground workshops, at the source of roads, in restaurants, markets, and brick kilns, and unfortunately, they are trapped in search of garbage. In the opinion of many domestic and international psychologists, working children are children whose psyche is seriously damaged by hard or even seemingly easy work, the damage that manifests itself in different forms in adulthood, perhaps the same years of childhood. Working children are usually injured children and many dangers threaten them.
The different culture of the parents of these children is one of the factors that facilitate the process of child labor and one of the obstacles affecting the process of child labor education. In significant cases, it has been observed that the guardian of the child laborer, not only did not consider the child's work as a fault, but considered it as his child's duty. This is the reason why in some cases the guardian of the child does not work despite his physical and mental health and considers working as the duty of his young child.
Therefore, we need structural reform in various dimensions of the social system.

 Translator: F*EB

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