Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh

Osveh, Cultural Institute of Qur'an and Atrat Osveh, Tehran,

Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh
Hazrat Fateme (PBUH) The marriage of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Prophet Khadijeh (AS) as well as the wife of Amir al -Mu'minin Ali (AS) and the mother of Imam Hassan (AS), Imam Hussein (AS), Hazrat Zeinab and Prophet Umm al are. The most high -ranking lady in the world is the Muslims of Prophet Zahra, who were martyred in the year AH after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
The date of the martyrdom of Prophet Fatemeh Zahra (SA) in the solar calendar is on Sunday, December 5, 2008, December 5, and Jamadi al -Thani in the 5th lunar year.
The martyrdom of Prophet Zahra (SA) is known among the Shiites. The date of the martyrdom of Prophet Fatemeh(SA) is on two dates of Jamadi al -Awl to Jamadi al -Thani.

She was a lady who is the best model of women in the world forever. It is with his moral and human characteristic that the false patterns that the world's oppressive leaders make for humans will lose color. There are various ways to get acquainted with this precious attribute, such as the descriptions that Khatam al -Nabin (PBUH) have made from him, because the Prophet (peace be upon him) says: All the right is right and he says, "O Fatemeh, you are anyone who is. God is angry with your anger with your consent. “What is this character whose anger and anger are the criterion of God's anger and anger?
Another way to understand the greatness of this lady is to reflect on the titles given to her. Each of these titles tells a dimension of his personality. If the enemies have sought to stop the sun by destroying some of the works or distorting some of the events and hiding the truth behind the clouds of lies and slander, the titles of all their plans have contained a role. She is Sadiqa because they have never seen anyone more truthful than Fatemeh Salamullah, except for his noble father.
Gabriel said: "He was called Fatemeh because his Shiites are taken from Hell. Hell will never affect them, and on the other hand, his enemies will be deprived of his love.
Where the greatness of the day is as much as the virtue and dignity of its owner. Therefore, the time of the Ahlul -Bayt (AS) has a special respect and respect. In the meantime, the days attributed to Prophet Zahra Salamullah Ali deserve the highest blessings because he is a unparalleled status. In a word, the commemoration of this noble lady is one of the most important examples of divine rituals, which is a sign of cleanliness of the heart and the way to consolidate and promote purity and virtues.

Hope that women of Islamic society will put this server on women in the universe, and by following the character and behavior of her unique lady, they can be in the path of growth and excellence because Fatima is the continuation of Aswah, and this is the secret of the high wisdom that the infallible is the innocent. They have said: We are the Imams of God's authority for the people and Fatima Hojat (God is upon us. " There is a good role model for me ... Yes, Fatima Salamullah Ali is a prophet as a prophet.


Translator: Faeghe Ebrahimpour

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